IV Summer course FINUT: Healthy Living Habits: Strategies, Research and Perspectives

IV Summer course FINUT: Healthy Living Habits: Strategies, Research and Perspectives

Research on healthy lifestyle habits

ANIBES: Findings on intakes of intrinsic and extrinsic sugars
Prof. Dr. Gregorio Varela-Moreiras, President of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) and Professor of Nutrition and Bromathology at CEU San Pablo University of Madrid


ANIBES: Findings on vitamin and mineral intake

Josune Olza, University of Granada. Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II. Research Group 'Biochemistry of nutrition. Therapeutic implications'.

Date and Place
July 5-7, 2017, Granada

Organized by:
Ibero-American Foundation of Nutrition (FINUT)